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Tutti i filmati di Public Domain

Totale: 862

Il leggendario Dan Patch

Versione inglese Storia del leggendario cavallo Dan Patch. scarica sottotitoli: Visualizza il testo parallelo EN-IT

08)- Angry Gods

1935 - Action / Adventure
This is the serial from which Tarzan and the Green Goddess is an edited compilation of sorts. The Green Goddess is a totem worshiped by the primitive natives of a lost city deep in the jungles of Guatemala. It contains both a fortune in jewels and an ancient formula for a super-explosive which could threaten world safety in the wrong hands....
Directed by:Edward A. Kull
Writing credits:Edwin Blum, Edgar Rice Burroughs
Complete credited cast:
Bruce Bennett Ula HoltAshton DearholtFrank BakerLewis SargentHarry ErnestDale ... continua

Young Bill Hickok

1940 - Western A yodeling Bill Hickok, assisted by Calamity Jane, is after a foreign agent and his guerrilla band who are trying to take over some western territory just as the Civil War is coming to a close. Directed by:Joseph Kane Writing credits:Olive Cooper, Norton S. Parker Cast: Roy Rogers George 'Gabby' HayesJulie BishopJohn MiljanSally PayneArchie TwitchellMonte BlueWally WalesEthel WalesJack IngramMonte Montague Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com Download subtitles: Download the parallel text en-it

The Death Kiss

1932 - Mystery While filming the closing scene of -The Death Kiss-, leading man Myles Brent is actually killed. Having played around with, or been married to, most of the women connected with the movie studio, there are lots of suspects. When leading lady Marcia Lane is arrested for the killing, her suiter, a studio writer, starts to investigate the killing in order to prove her innocence. Directed by: Edwin L. Marin Writing credits: Madelon St. Dennis, Gordon Kahn Cast: David Manners, Adrienne Ames, Bela Lugosi, John Wray, Vince Barnett, Alexander Carr, Edward ... continua

The Torch

1950 - Drama
Directed by: Emilio Fernández
Writing credits: Emilio Fernández, Bert Granet
A revolutionary and his band take over a small Mexican town. The townspeople begin to take sides over whether to fight him, join forces with him or just try to get along with him.
Complete credited cast:
Paulette GoddardPedro ArmendárizGilbert RolandWalter ReedJulio VillarrealCarlos MúzquizMargarito LunaJosé TorvayPascual García PeñaAntonia DaneemJorge TreviñoRosaura RevueltasEduardo ArozamenaGuillermo Calles
Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com
... continua

The Snake People

1970 - HorrorEvil scientist runs an veritable army of LSD crazed zombies. Directed by: Juan Ibáñez, Jack Hill Writing credits: Juan Ibáñez, Jack Hill Cast: Boris Karloff, Julissa, Carlos East, Rafael Bertrand, Yolanda Montes, Quintín Bulnes, Santanón, Martinique, Julia Marichal, Yol Duhalt.Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com Download subtitles:

The World gone Mad

1933 - Crime A district attorney and a reporter try to find the killer of a D.A. who uncovered a massive stock fraud.Directed by: Christy CabanneWriting credits: Edward T. Lowe Jr.Cast: Pat O'Brien - Evelyn Brent - Neil Hamilton - Mary Brian - Louis Calhern - J. Carrol Naish - Buster Phelps - Richard Tucker - John St. Polis - Geneva Mitchell - Wallis Clark - Huntley Gordon Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com Download subtitles: Download the parallel text en-it

This Man can't Die

1967 - WesternEurowestern with Guy Madison as Martin Benson. The plot may be a familiar one to Eurowest fans, but the director gives a standard plotline a fresh new look. No overacting in this film, which sometimes is the case, just straightforward acting from the entire cast. Directed by: Gianfranco Baldanello Writing credits: Gianfranco Baldanello, Luigi Emmanuele Cast: Guy Madison, Lucienne Bridou, Rik Battaglia, Rosalba Neri, Steve Merrick, Anna Liotti, Gioia Desideri, Alberto Dell'Acqua, Pietro Martellanza, Silvio Jachino, Daniele Riccardi, Attilio Dottesio, ... continua

Addio alle armi

Durante la prima guerra mondiale, sul fronte italiano nasce la storia d'amore tra Henry, un tenente americano che partecipa alla guerra come volontario, e Catherine, l'infermiera che lo cura nell'ospedale militare dove lui è stato ricoverato in seguito a una ferita. La guerra imperversa e quando lei parte, lui, per raggiungerla, diserta e va in Svizzera. Catherine è gravemente ammalata e ha perso il bambino che aspettava da lui. Henry arriverà in tempo solo per vederla e stringerla un'ultima volta tra le braccia.Visita il sito: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

Spirits of Bruce Lee

1979 - Martial ArtsA martial arts expert named Chang Chen-Wai(-Michael-Chan Wai-Man) runs a jade-importing business with his brother Chang Fan. When Chang Fan suddenly disappears on a buying trip in Thailand, Chang Chen-Wai gets a little worried and decides to travel down there to find him. When he arrives there, he meets another kung fu expert named Li Pai-Yu after helping him fight off local thugs in a village. They become friends and Li decides to help Chang Chen-Wai find his missing brother. When they both learn that Chang Fan was murdered by henchmen of a ... continua